Directory of Cities and Towns in North West, Botswana

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Alphabetical listing of Places in North West

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Maun city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
Maunas city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
Μαούν city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
Горад Маўн city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
Маун city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
מאון city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
ماون، بوتسوانا city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
マウン city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
馬翁 city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976
마운 city North West Botswana -19.98 23.42 3349 21976

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